

Workshop Research on Inclusive Places Published in About Campus

Published in the academic journal, About Campus, "Creating Inclusive Places: Recommendations for Practice" explores what it takes to create truly inclusive environments and welcoming campuses for higher education and acknowledges the complex and difficult terrain that university administrators and faculty must navigate when responding to demands for equity and inclusion. Asking and answering questions about whose identities are privileged in certain spaces, and whose are oppressed, is essential as universities adapt to changing student populations and needs.

Two of Workshop’s principals – Loren Rullman, Ph.D. and Brian Schermer, Ph.D., AIA – collaborated with other researchers to detail the process that the University of Wisconsin-Madison took to proactively and courageously understand the campus experience of students of color, as well as underrepresented students and disadvantaged groups. The case study focuses on these students' sense of connection to and belonging with the Memorial Union, Union Terrace, and Union South. The article encourages other institutions to consider how this groundbreaking study might apply to their own campuses.

E. Jessup-Anger, J., Rullman, L. J., Schermer, B., Dibbell, S., & Hahn, J. (2022). Creating Inclusive Places: Recommendations for Practice. About Campus, 27(4), 22–30.

Click here to read the article.

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